Acoustic/Noise Barriers & Walls – not just “extruded”

DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT production is with the highest optical clarity & purity PMMA molding compound, offering an unsurpassed finished product, where optics & surface quality is a requirement.

DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT has excellent light transmission, enabling an appearance of brilliance, with high weather resistance (UV stability), high mechanical strength, accomplished surface hardness & improved scratch resistance.

DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT works to the highest optical standards relating to surface marks & inclusions, where it is highly weather resistant (30-year Clear limited manufacturer’s warranty). DONCHAMP fully understands the requirements in fabrication, tailoring our production to enabling the best results routing, polishing & thermoforming. Production of DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT is in a clean room environment, where our clear products have a superb colorless appearance.
DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT is free of any visible inclusions and surface defects & with limited reversion.

DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT has an improved chemical resistance & surface hardness, with a higher temperature stability, making the product a long-term performer in application. DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT is simple to fabricate (cut, bend & polish), whilst reducing the environmental noise pollution levels & hazardous high winds from roads, highways, bridges & rails.


Excellent light transmission & optical brilliance, consistent quality standard.
Exceptional weather resistance (manufacturers guarantees available).
Ease of fabrication, enabling high bond strength, excellent edge polish finish.
High surface hardness & strength / mechanical properties.
Low weight - half the weight of glass, with sixteen times the impact strength.
100% recyclability.
Easy to clean & maintain (manufacturers cleaning suggestions available).
Superior optical properties.
High rigidity, light weight.
Excellent dimensional stability.
DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT panels can reduce level of steel supports, enabling a greater attraction.
Available in a range of contemporary surface designs & colours
Easily polish out light surface marks.
Easy to shape/thermoform into cosmetically pleasing curves.
Unique & excellent safety benefits for high traffic & high wind areas.


Rail & Busway
Bridge wind barriers
Commercial development noise walls
Anti-throw barriers
Private sector (EG. Petrol Stations/Shopping Centres/Property developers)
Schools & Universities

Our Product Range

Pressure sensitive functional - PE masking

Thickness Range:
10mm – 25.0mm.

Up to 8000mm length (longer possible)

1700mm / 2050mm (further width options TBA)

Specialty Properties

The combination of both the functional and visual attractions, makes DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard panels an excellent choice for acoustic / wind barrier applications on highways, bridges, and railways. The transparency of the panels opens the landscape for the road/rail user, whilst offering sound control and protection to the public (both residents and road users). The transporting of DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard panels is simple in having approx. eleven times the break resistance of glass & a lower weight. DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT creates a feeling of open spaces, eliminating the closeness & confinement of a continuous way. DONCHAMP® NoiseGuard XT meets with the most critical sound reduction category (B3) of EN 1793-2, & in meeting with EN 1794- 1,2.

The Future

DONCHAMP utilizes leading technology, meeting with the market requirements for product quality & availability. DONCHAMP has a continued focus on technology & innovation, offering a diverse portfolio, further enabling opportunities. Product development, quality & customer service are three of DONCHAMP’s core targets, in having the goal of stimulating continued & sustained growth.


All the information provided within this document and any further related technical DONCHAMP® advice, is based on testing conducted & well-established industry knowledge. This information supplied is as a suggested reference only & it does not alter the obligation of the customer/end user to conduct their own inspection and testing of any products supplied by DONCHAMP®. DONCHAMP® suggests that the performance of the product/products referenced gain verification by the customers/end users individual testing, where DONCHAMP® suggests testing by an accredited testing authority, where this is the sole responsibility of the customer/end user. No warranty/guarantee is relating to the properties within this document, whether noted or otherwise implied. DONCHAMP® advises that we reserve the right to make any changes in accordance with new developments in technology. Any reference to trade names/trademarks has no endorsement by DONCHAMP® & any deemed suggested comparable products, has no approval by DONCHAMP® to in use in application. Please note the DONCHAMP® accepts no liability or any other legal responsibility, relating to any current third-party intellectual property & or patent rights.